Thursday, May 24, 2007

Okay, fell sick today, thanks to sitting at the sports stand for sportsday yesterday. Originally i had a really terrible cough for 2 weeks, ran NAFA with it, did NAFA with it, got silver with it =D

So before the 2.4km run, the teacher was "worried" (in that context, i mean he's more worried about me staining the school's reputation by dying on the track then my wellbeing) for me. I expected his tone to be:

"Hey, you alright or not? If you're coughing then don't run, don't force yourself, can do make-up some other day."

but being a harsh PE teacher, he goes

"Oi, you're coughing very badly, don't run halfway and drop dead hor!"


Anyway, MJ has a really cool motivational system for PE, you get at LEAST a silver, you get to do 2 games elective. One is in-house (play games in school) and one is conducted by external vendors (includes archery, clay-target shooting, wakeboarding, etc)the only catch is, you have to do the external vendor shit on a saturday =(

Okay, that sums up what happened in the week, now, unto sth interesting about the people i normally hang out with.

Jiong rui (aka your-mother):
No, it's not because he's a motherly person(oh please =.=) he just replies everything with "your mother"
Uni: Who's our chem lecturer?
Jiongrui: your mother

Uni:ehh whats the next period ar?
Jiongrui: your mother's period

He's extremely crude but funny, actually, he's probably one of the funnier people from MJ. And his impersonations are 133t:

exhibit A

exhibit B

Too bad i didn't video the part where he actually went up during house committee elections and started dissing all the student leaders xD

Terrence (aka DOTA/bowling pro):
the hardcore gamer who couldn't use microsoft word properly xD and potential captain of the bowling team he he he~

Joseph (racist genius):
lmao, he cracks me up whenever we see indians/bangladeshi/any race black. (sorry, no racist intentions) Like 3 weeks ago, when an Indian girl brushed past him, he stood there and stared blankly for 3 secs, waited for her to walk away and ran to a dustbin screaming while squirting his waterbottle at his hand.

Monday, May 14, 2007

a scope into an average MJ student's life~

Watched 300 last night till about 11.30, but thanks to a cuppa espresso brewed by my brother, poor uni here is wide awake until about 3.30 am in the morning =__= oh joy. Popped in my mp3 and listened music till the next morning.

Dawn breaks, and 3 things came into my mind when my maid woke me up:

1) Physics SPA
2)Chinese Oral
3)Economics common test on merit and demerit goods

Argh, thanks to a particular ingenius physics teacher of mine in my secondary school, my practical skills are so 133t that i dread practicals practically every time i see a retort stand, or a G clamp, etc. I can still remember this classical moment:

uni: mdm shariffa, how come we have mock chem practical, mock bio practical, but NO mock physics practical? We need the practise!

mdm shariffa: whaat uni? i did sooo many practicals (5) with your class!

-next scene-

3/4 F9s for preliminary physics practical



Suprisingly, physics SPA was EASY, as in REALLY easy o_o had like 10mins to sit around and stare into blank space xD But to my dismay, i just realized we have ANOTHER physics SPA to go, my first reaction was,"WTFBBQHAX?!" the reason for so was:

"Oh, we're giving you another chance in case you screw up this practical"

uni (self): yeah and one mroe chance to screw up the next practical to bring our MSG down =__= WHY ISN"T IT OPTIONAL?!!??!!?

Lian kok ann, stress on the kok, yes, he talks lotsa kok, xD But i tell you, he's the funniest, most hilarious teacher i've met in my entire life, kinda glad because everytime when it's chinese, it's like comedy time, damn fun, damn crappy, wee~

Kinda sad, our beloved economics teacher, miss fu, is gonna leave us (insert aww sound here) Well, she's 2 years older then us, but she's one of the better teachers who understands students, but also because of that, she always get bullied by our class =_= but oh well, she's leaving by next week, hope she'll do well when she get to uni.

School ended on the dot with PW at the end, then went with jiong rui to the newly furnished perkcafe, and suprisingly, i'd give that place a 3/5 to dine at. The food is better and the decors are a lot better with funky table clothes and new bar tables and all, the music's not that bad too

Ah well, nothing much to blog about, so yeah, end off here~au revoir~

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Getting harassed

Faithfourone: look below this post, the bbq details are there.

Anyway, haven't been blogging much due to 2 reasons, JC work and council work, unfortunately and fortunately, I didn't get into council, but yeah, 2 sides to everything, get in, happy, don't get in, also happy =D

But yeah, with council its really lotsa work, INSANE amount of workload and a reduced amount of time to complete the daily MJC routine, so here's my current routine, school, nap, tutorial, sleep, school, nap, tutorial, sleep.

Anyway, enough about that, i'm gonna post the most annoying problem in my life here:


Oh thousand of curses on myself for showing sympathy and pity, KNEW i should have heeded the warning of people from the net about emo kids. Once you let them smell a sense of pity, they latch unto you and harass you to no end. Ditto to that, it's happening to me now. Seriously, this guy is so annoying that he doesn't even understand english and continues to bombard you with the same shit and BUGGING you to CHAT despite being busy. When you say something like,"bugger off" emokid goes, "Ok." and calls you back or spam your phone with smses 15mins later.

Worse off, its a GUY.

Shit, if it's a girl, it wouldnt't bother me that much (yes i'm typical), but it's a guy, it's giving me the CREEPS. Take one example where he tells me to help him commit suicide (which i obviously refused) and told him to see a counsellor and walked off for tuition, without skipping a beat, he POUNCES FORWARD AND GRABS MY FKING ARM IN FRONT OF ()!@&!(%$ STUDENTS AT THE STUDY BENCHES!


Damn, if anyone were there, it'd look like 2 gays, period, this is so gonna stain my reputation, but thankfully, no rumours yet or else, that emo guy ain't gonna commit suicide, i'm gonna personally kill him by running him over with a truck, back and forth.

To emo guy: if you're reading this, and you're still dense and slow about the message i'm getting across, here's a simplified version:


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Faithfouronebbq 07-2!

Okay, it's confirmed, we're gonna have another bbq this year! (everybody say yay!) and since the class funds are non-existent, we'll be hosting our BBQs at homes of our classmates, so to start the ballrolling, the next bbq will be hosted @:

UNI'S HOUSE in Kembangan!

Date & Venue:
08/06/07, 8th June 2007, Friday
36 Jalan Daud Singapore 419576
5.00pm Start fire, 3.00~3.10 meet at kembangan MRT

Please reply this mail again to see if you're able to make it and tell the rest of the class via sms or email

Details: The 2 semi detached houses in between the 2 condominiums, "Windy Heights" and "The Heliconia" respectively. It's intersection between the 2 streets Lorong Melayu and Jalan Daud.

Meeting Place: Kembangan MRT at 3.00pm (But since not everyone's gonna be punctual, you'll need to be there LATEST by 3.10pm unless you send me an sms) I'll be there as your friend tour guide to guide you through the teacherous concrete jungle(bunch of HDB flats) of kembangan.

Food:(quantity unknown, BUT, it's expected to have the below, and SOMEONE PLEASE CONTACT YINGLING TO DO THIS!)

well, let me spice it with a little vocab ;p

Hors D'oeuvre (basically your food before your main course):

-Spiced skewered meat chunks dripped with savoury peanut gravy (Satay)

-Uniquely created and sweeter then its predecessors, freshly (from the packet) smoked Taiwan Sausage, no, it doesn't go "AH BIAN XIA TAI!" (Taiwan Sausage)

-Tantalizing melted cheddar cheese enveloped with lightly flavoured sausages (Cheese sausage)

-Heavily spiced fish fillet wrapped and lightly roasted within fresh banana leaves (Otah)

-Barbecued fresh squid caught from the Pacific (no, actually, maybe pulau ubin) and seasoned with sambal chilli (Sambal Sotong)

Entree (Main Course):

Traditional malay noodles stir fried with a mixture of rich spices and savoury potato chunks (Mee Goreng) Ehh, don't play play ok, my dad's mee goreng's the best you're gonna eat!


HOPEFULLY (which means, there's a good chance of not happening), we MAY have a chocolate fondue =P


Fizzy Drinks (coke, sprite, yadda yadda)
Sparkling juice (if brought by our generous victor chan ;p)
Balleys (alcohol which goes really well when mixed with milk with, complments from uni's brother)
Coffee Liquor (^ditto)
White Wine (depending on the master's(dad) mood)

Possible Activities:

Screening of shows:
The Departed, aka Ang moh infernal affairs
LOTR Trilogy
(insert movie request here, i'll try to borrow them from the nearby DVD stores =) )

Pictionary (if mdm sng actually comes and brings it ;p, either that or we can just get pieces of paper and do another version of it)


(Suggest activities here)

Wet Weather Programn:


And so let me end off

Mrt ride: 45 cents
Fee: X dollars
Memorable experience with your alma maters: Priceless

So hurry up and spread the mail to the rest of the faithfourone people!