Friday, July 06, 2007

woohoo first week end!

It's the first weekend of the 3rd term, you know what that means?!



nope not relaxation, it means DOING TUTORIALS! =O (it's mjc, know what the M stands for? Mugical~)

Had to rush to school today because the guy i was car pooling with (joseph aka racist genius) fell sick (insert awww) Poor guy, missed out a lot of crap today, especially with all the briefings on how we're gonna drown in our own pool of laziness and be burnt by U grades on our asses if we dont start mugging =O Apparently, Miss Gill (insane GP teacher) did a calculation and declared:

Gill,"You have 35 periods left before PROMOS! We're gonna implement peer to peer teaching..etc.etc, basically, we'll get your friends up here to TEACH YOU HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS, and all you have to do is CRITICISE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM so they will feel bad and be more motivated to learn better essay structures =D"

Uni: -jaw drops-


Friday's a really short day, had height and weight taking today whilst getting roasted alive by the frigging giant sphere of hawt hydrogen =_= Maths lecture followed, we learnt, mathematic reccurrence! What's that? I have no idea! Sounds chim to me and screwed to me x) We're so dieded wee~

GP followed (and trust me, GP's damn interesting and good for you) Again, I had to look at my horrendous test paper that blared out

Language:7/15 (some fking asshole marker rendered all our languages to 7)
Grade: F(ucked)

Was being damn lame today, probably due to the sweltering heat, so much so that Gill threatened me saying," UNI! ONE MORE CORNY COMMENT, I"LL SHOW YOU THE DOOR!"

The reason?

Jiongrui: OMG!
Uni: You don't have a God, you're a
Terrence: ehh, that damn no link leh
Uni: No link? Use EZ link! (copyrighted from lynn)
Jiongrui: God, please kill me =_=

Gill: More money makes you....?
Uni: -insert dota voice- UNSTOPPPAABBLLLEEEE
Jiongrui: wtf?!


Gill: Acceptable words that gives you 1 mark for paraphrasing happier; more joyful, etc etc, gladder...
Uni: Gladder exists?!
Jiongrui: Yes
Uni: Wow, sounds like bladder, like I got gladder after getting a bladder =x
Jiongrui: -roflmaos-
Gill: -shakes head-


Ohoh, come to think of it, i haven't mentioned about this new sakae stall in my school canteen, it calls itself, "Sakae Campus", which is a german translation for "Sucky crabshit" Well, they do sell crabshit, like those red stuff on the sushi, looks like it came outta the ass of a crab after it died (yes, you crap your pants before you die -southpark)

Deciding to try my luck, I went to buy a box of sushi (looks pretty good) and a portion of yaki soba. Little did I know it had consequences.

Box of sushi: $2
Yaki Soba: $1.50
Green Tea: $0.50

A nonsensical gang-up bully from terrence and jiongrui on how I got scammed: WORTHLESS (take THAT mastercard)