Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Post-Promo blues

Yeehaw! Screw the new blog, the emoshit found it, but mehh, i'll continue writing here =D yay~

Okay, nownow, it's been EONS since i last blogged and i've only decided to do so at 12.30+ in the morning when huiwen asked me about blogging, so i'm back (probably for awhile xD) Right right, let's start with my promos, open house, OP then post-promos blues~


GP: E(wwww)
Chi: C(rapppppp)
Economics B(oooyaaa!)
Physics: B(ullshittttt)
Chemistry: F(ucckkeedddd)
Maths: B(uay zai)

disappointment, that's one word to put it, gahh, frigging math and physics were supposed to be my FORTE! Now let's hope bryan bong will not tear away my application for h3 physicsand scoff at my feable attempts to get a subject beyond my grasp. -shudders- I can imagine him sitting on his high chair of low-cg, towering above me like the twin towers of 9/11 saying

"Bitch! You can't take H3 physics cuz you're t3h suck lol! Now go draw me a FBD on how deep of a shit you're gonna sink into!"

Aww crap just look at the time, i gotta be in school to hand in my frigging I&R. Here's what i think

PI- Pointless Information
GPP- Gay Piece of Proposal
WR- Waste of Resources
OP- Obviously Pointless

now i end off with the pick-up lines i heard from jojo:

"Hey babe, wanna be my deriavative so that i can draw tangent to your curve? -wink"

"Is your name Gillette? Cuz you're the best a man can get -wink"

last but not least

"If i were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same answer to this question?"

awesome i tell ya xD gotta try it one day =3