Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Composition, "if you don't succeed, try, and try again.

" Alright! Now its done, test it john!", squealed Tom, with excitement, as he grasped the handle with his pudgy fingers. As I took a deep breath and crossed my finger, I pushed the button. "Rrrrrrkkkk! Clank!", a rough sound of clinging metal followed by a stuck noise was heard. "Well, at least it didn't blew up..." Tom said with a sigh. Looking at the failed invention for the fifth time, we sighed.
"Good try son," said my dad who appeared behind the garage door, " Keep trying! You will succeed sooner or later! You have my support!" I shook my head and buried my head under the blueprint of the machine trying to find out the problem. Well, the town's annual mini car racing competition was just around the corner. Entering for the first time, I teamed with my best friend who had second to none knowledge of cars in our school hoping the claim the title of champion. Just the problem was, we had budget problems, and so the parts for the mini car did not come out well.
"Jusff onff morff weeff tof theff competitionff (just one more week to the competition)!", Tom said munching on his peanut butter sandwich in school during recess while I was inspecting the new parts i bought after advacing my allowances. "I'm telling you dude, if we don't win this, I don't know what am I going to live on for next month." I complained opening my empty wallet imagining a cliche white moth flying out of it. After installing the final parts, we tried again for the final time. "Push da button!" cried Tom again hardly able to contain his excitement, he had given up a month's amount of tibits for the parts. "Rrrrrrk! Vrooom!", our custom made engine roared loudly. Sweet tears of success streamed down Tom's cheeks as he dropped his packet of chips, soon, we started to put everthing together into the chasis.
It was a bright morning, as we arrived to the competition grounds. The racing track was full of cars in different designs people could think of. Cars made from a milk carton, plastic bottles, titanium cases, etc. Not long after, it was time to start the race! As all the cars lined up at the start line, the engines were ignited and were prepared to accelerate. "BOOM!", our car exploded when the engine was on for less then a minute. Shocked, we could only watch in despair when our half burnt car was taken away. Well, theres always next time...


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