Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy birthday jun quan!

Okay, today, was national day celebration, wow, it was, great. Cept the marching. Sometimes i feel that the NPCC of our school's pathetic +_+ The marching was so out of sync. So there we were singing national day song and the Singaporean propaganda is starting to sink in me as i feel so patriotic. Cept for en yeow, he's so anti PAP =_=

So after that, we went to Cafe Cartel @ Plaza Singapure to celebrate JQ's birthday, and one word can describe their service.


Yeap, you heard me, it SUCKED. Mass boycott that place anyone?

Heres what happened:

Victor: 12 set lunch A and 1 fish and chips.

food came, 11 set lunch As and 2 fish and chips

-after telling the ppl-

the order was corrected and we ate the honey chicken happily, till we tasted how horrendous it is! (the soup's damn sour too)

Bill came.

Bill: 11 Set lunch A, 2 fish and chips

Our brave victor went to confront them again. And yeah, we're almost on the verge of calling kwek's lawyer to sue the pants off their arse.

I mean SERIOUSLY, we were practically the only ppl in the cafe and ISSIT SO HARD TO GET 12 COMEPLETELY IDENTICAL SET LUNCH As AND ONE FISH AND CHIPS?

C- on service. And the old uncle there insulted me =(

-Uni goes to get bread, sees feeble old cartel waiter uncle cutting bread-

Since we have 13 ppl, i'm suppose to take more bread then he's already cut.

Uni starts cutting bread, old uncle stops uni.

Old Uncle: AYE AYE! I CUT I CUT!

Uni: Err its ok, we'll be needing a lot


Uni: (thinks) You and your ()@$&@_! trembling old hands and failed eyesight can cut bread faster then me?


Oh well, damn lousy service =_=

Here's a video of us singing a happy birthday song~


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