Saturday, February 18, 2006

Acjc Funfair- We scam your money! =D

Well, the escape trip's cancelled because some of the classmates complaining about having 5 head start tests next week. Actually, its just 3 isn't it? Theres still maths next week? o_O
anyway, quarrelled with "her" abit yesterday, kinda sad though, then finally after dilly dallying for so damn long, decided to go to acjc fun fair with mj.

Woke at around 10 plus (wow thats really late) then bathed then go buono vista area waiting for her =_= Seriously STUPID of me to wear a polyester collar shirt (I have tuition on that day so I wanted to go tuition after the stupid trip), so bloody warm, felt like some poor alive turkey baked in a oven for thanksgiving >.< Was carrying a rose for her, kinda looked ridiculous with people staring and stuff.

What I thought they thought," lol stupid lil brat now then give rose, I hope lightning strikes him harharhar!:

My thoughts were,"Gawwd, stop staring, so what if I'm kinda late for valentines =_= STOP STARING AT ME!"

Or wassit that I'm wearing something like that in the hot summer afternoon? =l

Anyway, about the funfair, we ALL know that funfairs rip people's money but ACJC IS DOWNRIGHT RIDICULOUS! I mean, wth, look at the following menu:

Kenny Rogers (fake) :
1/4 chicken $12
1/2 chicken $24
Whole Chicken $48

At least I think its something like that, who the hell reads on after seeing 1/4 for $12!?

Some fillet selling shop:
*striked out $3* $2 for chicken/mutton/beef fillet!
*size of fillet, think french food(which is known for serving extremely pathetic portions)*

Burger stalls!:
$4 for a miserably small burger that doesn't taste that great

Drinks stall:
$2 for a canned drink? Not bad right? *walks to canteen, sees a vending machine selling THE EXACT SAME THING for 80cents*
*Note: Someone pulled the plug out for the vending machine

Well, funfair is not always about food, so we went to check out on the games. Theres always that cliche throw ball at cans, hook duckies with a pole with a 99.99% chance of getting sth crappy, and nevertheless, theres the MEGA DELUXE PRIZES which are practically impossible to beat unless you:

a) are super tyco
b) bribed the stall
c) played cheat

O yeah, saw that sec 5 melvin(my class' sec 1 pal when i was sec1) with a senior today, he was wondering that if me and you-know-who's related since we looked alike (do we?) Then we faked that we're cousins since both our surname is the same (if you think charmant, please feel free to kill yourself for being so wrong that you make what adolf hitler did seem right)

Played game where they have flying bits of paper with quality almost the equivalent of monopoly $ and you have to grab in a giant, inflatable capsule. Using the basics of some physics content, I successfully got around 12 of it by swirling my arm around the capsule and pulling it out quickly creating a partial vacuum sucking out SOME of the notes. Fun =D but i only did that at the later part when i got annoyed at the fact that its impossible to grab anything =_= So anyway, i got 2nd Grade, a cap (not that bad actually, looked pretty nice) gave it to her since it says "F" meaning female. Aww she looked so cute in it <3

My thoughts: were there caps designed specially for females? O_o

But theres super ridiculous games too:
Haunted mansion/hospital/etc 10 bucks per entry, and there were lines so long that you think they were queuing up for free food. Nah, most probably they were like,"GAHH ITS SO BORING HERE! LETS SPEND THE 10 BUCKS QUICK AND GO!"

Finished about the whole thing at around 1.45, but damn that sucked, can't do anything else =_= "she" have to go home for her granny's birthday to celebrate while I can't go mj's house to play with her cats since her mum is having tuition so no one can go to her house =_=

Well, thats about all about acjc, feel free to leave your comments if you feel that I have offended acjc, I'll try my best to make it worse =D Nah just kidding, with the money they earned in that fair i fear that they might be able to buy over microsoft and hack into my computer =X


Blogger MdmSng said...

A rose and a cap for your girl! sweet!

I got a plastic rose from my husband (yes can you believe it!!) and the only reason I didn't make hell for him is because it came with a pair of diamond ear-rings (given much later after I have cooled down).

Perhaps the plastic rose is meant as a test. Thank goodness I passed!

7:36 AM  
Blogger † Misère Noire † said...

ehh? what does your husband do o_O diamond earrings?! *scribbles on a notepad- Class fund donation $20 ea from everyone for mdm sng's extravagant gift. Must remember to pon school on that day =X

5:49 PM  

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