Saturday, March 04, 2006

"I am gifted, so are you" -Conclusion

It is a total waste of time! Except the part for the future planning and motivation talks. Other then that, I find this a waste of time for a good 3 days. Why? Well, frankly speaking, he DID wow us with the "memorize 30 words in short time" thing, but lets ask ourselves this," Is this practical?"
Well, if your bored, yeah maybe it is, but seriously, we aren't given a set of words to put down for exams -.-

Next point, 8 principles of memory, yeah, he's right about the parts to make your mind remember it easy, but, can we even make those complex pictures in the first place? Ok, just for a simple fact, VIRUS-4 Characteristics = super complicated diagram. For a subject such as biology, a mere virus part consist of this complex picture which takes more then 10minutes to think and draw. Imagine if just FOUR(its considered miserably little) for each chapter, 20 chapters we have to learn, we'll have only EIGHTY pictures to remember and run in our heads! WOW!

Lets consider the Pros and Cons:
You remember it well
You can get the whole detail
It's funny!

You're no better then a voice recorder, you just study without understanding defeating teh whole purpose of studying (quote:miss lam)
Picture diagrams will be far too complicated if you are to draw DNA diagrams
Takes too long to remember and play out mentally
Adam's "retarded(acted)" face keeps appearing whenever I think of doing so
Society in future focuses more on APPLICATION, so you phail

Speed Reading:

Well, its rather useful, but we only learn the basics of the basics, so its crap without practise. To add, DO IT FOR COMPRE! I REALLY WISH TO SEE ANYONE TRY TO BEAT ME IN WORKING SPEED! *finishes whole paper in 20 minutes*
Note: DO NOT copy what I do, the reason why I'm faster then most of you in terms of writing paper is because I don't study much and work out diagrams logically. Frankly I DON'T memorize anything at all, that what makes me a lame student. I went by 60% understanding. Because if you work with your own logic, your facts will surface like common sense and you can have the ability to write fast like me.

Motivation talk:

Well, i give two thumbs up for this. If what he says is true, then we all can be saved. I think i believe it, i can actually get rid of my fever in a day because i believe that covering myself with a blanket really works (or it REALLY works). I came up with the concept that when i sweat, i lose heat, lose heat = fever goes down, that means my fever will be gone and i can resume my daily life in a day! And yes, I've never been sick(flu, cough, fever, stomach flu etc) for more then a day in my life (except for diarhoea or some not-your-daily life illness

Life Planning:

Yeap, another useful one, since day one in secondary four, I've always wanted to plan for my future but I ALWAYS procrastinate. Well, since adam khoo gave me a chance to do it, I gave it my all =D and I've planned my future till the day I'm halfway in work (30), and I've came up with a study schedule till the end of march!

Pull your friends along:

Yeap, I will, so each day, I'll dedicate 1 hour of my online time to help summarize what the teachers taught today (except maths and chinese) in the funniest way possible (THINK PRINCIPLES OF MEMORY!). Please do not blame my pathetic attempt to try to teach an artist how to paint or an artiste how to act/sing/dance/etc.

Bonding with parents thingy:

I STILL haven't gave my letter, I'd figure that I'll keep it in a shoebox(thanks amin!) till my o levels end and i give it to them. If i don't, that means i'll score >10 for o levels and this empty cheque of mine will bounce immediately which is better off not seeing daylight X)

PS: To all those brave souls who went up, cried their hearts out for the love of their parents:

You are all very brave to do that, but I hate the fact that 9/10 ppl are girls. Only Eldon is brave enough to go out there and i commend his bravery *clap clap clap* HE SCARED THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME WHEN HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE,"THE TRAINERS SAID THAT WHEN MY MOTHER WENT TO THE GYNA...*uni: OMFG! HE'S NOT GUNA SAY HIS MUM HAD THE FEELING OF BEING RAPED IS HE?!* (thats exactly what amin said)

ok anyway, of all people, i think evonnie's mum wins noble-est mum award. She supported her family singlehandedly, and with the information i get from talking to her before, i can tell evonnie really loves her mum and she's(her mum) a great woman.

Ok, so i concluded most of the things that we've learnt during adam khoo, Q&A will follow up in the comments since mdm sng's been dying to know what happened. (Bring it on mdm sng! I know you have plenty of questions >=D)


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